EFA – What we do
The discussions on Fire Prevention within EΦA are chaired by Gert van Bortel, Vice President of EΦA.
The aim is to create a platform bringing together Fire Services, Burns Victims, Politicians and Technology Partners to discuss the best way to improve fire prevention across Europe by exchanging experience and best practices.
EFA therefore organises two Roundtables a year (in Spring and in Autumn) to bring all members and stakeholders together.
EFA has also created Task Forces to discuss more in detail:
“Fire Safety in the home” – the main issues are: The role of the fire service concerning fire safety in the home; Upholstered furniture and matrasses; Fire risks and solutions in homes.
„High Risk Groups“ – the main issues are: Identify high risk groups; Reaching and influencing high risk groups; How to communicate with high risk groups.
„Statistics & Fire Research“- the main issues are: Collecting general comparative data; Investigation methods of fire causes
„Innovations“ – main issues are: Technics, strategies, efficient organisational and institutional framework
The Task Forces meet during the Roundtables to continue their work. In between Roundtables, most EΦA expert fellows stay in contact with each other to exchange their experiences and best practices and to progress with the work of the Task Forces.