Agenda 22. EΦA-Roundtable 12./13. October 2023 in Brussels
Next EFA-Roundtable 12/13 of October 2023 in Brussels
GREEN HYDROGEN TECHNOLOGIES – What should the fire-brigades be prepared for?
After a three-year forced break due to the pandemic, we would like to start our EFA-Round Table again. End of May we sent you already an email to safe the date.
As part of our main topic „Challenges of Climate Change“ the next round table will focus on GREEN HYDROGEN.
The scope of the meeting is to get an overview and to present special actual developments
The meeting starts on Thursday 12.10. at 12.30h and ends Friday 13.10. at 12.30h.
The conference fee will be 60 Euro (only conference)
The whole package (conference fee, accomodation and common dinner) costs 180 Euro
Best Regards
Wolfgang Schäuble
EFA President
Chief of the Fire-Brigade Munich
Dr. Norbert Neuhaus
EFA General Secretary
High German Decoration for Ortwin Neuschwander
Our honorary President and founder of the European Fire Academy, Mr. Ortwin Neuschwander, was awarded the „Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande“ by the German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in recognition of his life’s work in the German Fire Service.
Our congratulation, dear Ortwin!
Wolfgang Schäuble – new President of EFA
Wolfgang Schäuble, chief officer of the Munich Fire Department, is the new president of EFA. He follows Albrecht Broemme who after many years of being the leading face of EFA, a European platform of discussions about fire safety and desaster management, stepped back while retiring from his professional activity as president of the German federal relief organization THW.
Next EFA-Roundtable 2./3. April 2020
21th EFA-Roundtable in Nis 11/12.7.2019 (Presentations)
20 years European Fireacademy
On the end of the 21th EFA-Roundtable in Nis, our technological partner Harder Digital Sova surprised us with a birthday cake: 20 years of EFA!
On the picture you see the honorary president Ortwin Neuschwander, founder of EFA, the actual president Albrecht Broemme and the vicepresident Robert Stocker.
20. EFA-Roundtable Tarragona 18./19.of October 2018
20. EFA-Roundtable Tarragona 18./19.10.2018 – Agenda
19. EFA-Roundtable Brussels 4./5. of June 2018
19. EFA-Roundtable Brussels 4./5. of June 2018 – Agenda
Agenda 19 RT EUresc Brussels 2018
Landscape Fires – 19. EFA Roundtable -04-July-2018
Vortrag gehalten von
Prof. Dr. Johann Georg Goldammer
Director, Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC)
Fire Ecology Research Group
Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
c/o Freiburg University / United Nations University (UNU)
Georges-Koehler-Allee 75
D – 79110 Freiburg
21th EFA-Roundtable 11./12.of July 2019 in Niš/Serbia
Some impressions of the 21th EFA-Roundtable held on
11./12. of July 2019
in Niš/Serbia
please find the agenda here:
The photo shows Prof. René Hagen from IFV/NL presenting the results of their newest research on smoke extension in multistorey buildings.
We choosed Niš as location for our 21th EFA-Roundtable speccially to attract the interest of the fire brigades and civil protection institutions of South-East Europe to the plattform of the European Fire Academy and to establish closer links between South-East Europe and the firebrigades of Western and Central Europe. Colleagues from the Netherlands, Germany and Austria met their counterparts from Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia and North-Makedonia and exchanged their professional experience.
The Roundtable took place in the conference room of our technolocial partner Photon Optronics. They are actually developping a optoelectronic divice which permits to look behind the smoke. The first results were intensively discussed by the practicians.
The leading persons of the SAYSO-project presented the main outcome of their work.
The EU-Commission will introduce an integrated warning system called EU-Warn on the base of KATWARN-Technology, a multichannel information and warning system.
GMD analysis, a new, cheap and very effective digital tool, helps not only to detect in advance risky and instable locations in case of earthquakes and major natural disaster but also to estimate their extend and dynamics. (GMD stands for Geomorphological Dynamics). It gives speccially worthful informations for disaster response plans.
Niš is the third-largest city of Serbia and one of the oldest cities in the Balkans and even in Europe. From ancient times it has been considered a gateway between the East and the West. It is also the birthplace of Constantine the Great, the first Christian Emperor, as well as Constantius III and Justin I. It had a very changeful history: Romans, Byzantins, Bulgars, Serbs, Ottomans rouled here and since 1878 it belongs to Serbia again.
Niš is one of the most important industrial centers in Serbia, especially in the electronics, mechanical engineering, textile, and tobacco industries. Niš Constantine the Great Airport is its international airport. There are some direct flights from Berlin, Vienna and other European cities.